Saturday, August 16, 2014


Here is the post I've been promising that is dedicated to answering your questions that you've asked on Instagram! Like I've said many times before, I'm always open to more questions - simply email me or ask directly on Instagram.

Do you restrict your fat intake at all?
Not in a logistical manner. I definitely don't count how many fat grams or calories from fat I eat on a daily basis! However, I mindfully consume healthy fats. I eat what I believe to be a good amount! 

How long have you been eating healthy?
Since February 25th, 2014.

Do you allow yourself treats?
Absolutely! I believe that treating yourself is equally as important as eating healthy! Dark chocolate has always been my favorite treat to indulge in.

What's your favorite style of music and who are your favorite artists/bands?
I listen to a very wide variety of music and I like most genres except screamo. My favorites include Coldplay, Florence + the Machine, Bastille, and U2. 

What's your favorite thing about yourself?
Hmm! I like that I live by a strong set of morals and have a strong faith. Also, I'm a pretty confident person, and I like that about myself. 

How do you deal with stress?
I'm actually pretty bad at dealing with stress. During the school year, I'm a sleep deprived ball of stress! However, listening to music, working out, writing lists, staying organized, being proactive, and most importantly, praying help me to deal with whatever is going on.

Have you influenced anyone you know such as a family member or friend to start a plant based diet such as yours?
Yes! This has been one of the most rewarding parts of my healthy eating journey. Being told by someone that I have inspired them is one of the best feelings ever. My family still eats meat and dairy, but they're supportive of me and say that I've encouraged them to eat healthier. I also have one friend who became vegan right around when I did and having her has been incredible--it's been great to have that support! I also try and remind people that becoming healthy doesn't need to mean cutting out all animal products. Although I think that the benefits of a plant based diet are wonderful, it's not always easy or possible for everyone. Simply incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into daily life is what I recommend to anyone looking to become healthier.

What makes you happy?
Music. Friends. Family. My dog. Getting letters in the mail. Seeing the fruits of my labor. Meeting amazing people through Instagram. God. So many things make me happy!

Favorite sport?
Definitely golf!

Favorite subject?
I always have a hard time answering this question! Spanish is one of my favorites for sure. I've always had a knack for it. I also like English, as I love writing and I really appreciate the room for creativity within the subject. But opposite of that, I really do like math. I appreciate the order and straightforwardness of it!

Favorite breakfast?
Definitely oatmeal, a smoothie, or banana ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. Me encantan tus fotos! Te sigo en Instagram, mucha suerte con el blog :) eres muy linda y dulce Meghan!
